Isabela Ritter Ott, Debora Renata Macali Oliveira, Ana Paula Grando, Klaus Vogel Frohlich, Magda Susana Perassolo, Rafael Linden & Marina Venzon Antunes • May 20, 2024

GC-NPD analysis of topiramate in capillary dried plasma

GC-NPD analysis of topiramate in capillary dried plasma: assessing chemical dependency pharmacotherapy

This study aimed to develop and validate a GC-NPD method for quantifying topiramate (TPM) in capillary dried plasma spots (DPS). Results: The method was linear from 1 to 50 μg/ml (r > 0.99), precise (CV% 3.62–8.29%) accurate (98.1–107.7%). TPM stability was confirmed in DPS stored at 4, 23 and 45 ◦C for 21 days. DPS TPM measurements were highly correlated plasma concentrations (rs = 0.96), representing on average 102% of the venous plasma measurements. Conclusion: The method was fully validated, demonstrating potential for clinical application.


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